Just like other companies, the recycle companies are also hit by the poor economy. Once a company picks up the recyclables, they own them. These companies make their money by selling this material and in this economy their prices are also down and maybe they sell some of their material at a loss. We still need to recycle and we need to keep pressure on our towns and neighbors to continue to recycle. Recycling is good – even the profit is not. Recycle is Good Business.
Most people know that recycling plays an important role in managing the garbage generated in homes and businesses, and that it reduces the need for landfills and incinerators. But recycling is far more than a local waste management strategy; it is also an important strategy for reducing the environmental impacts of industrial production. Supplying industry with recycled materials, rather than virgin resources extracted from forests and mines, is environmentally preferable because it saves energy, reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and other dangerous air and water pollutants, and because it conserves scarce natural resources. In 2004, some states recycling programs supplies industry with over 4.7 million tons of scrap commodities like metals, paper, glass, plastics, wood, organics, and other materials.
Recycling is a growth industry with many kinds of business opportunities, from collection and processing to manufacturing to inventing new technologies. New businesses in anywhere will create jobs for more area and improve our economy. .

Also check out:
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania website – Department of Environmental Protection section
- People77.com – Photo & Family Tree Website
- OnsetIsland.com – Onset Island – Onset, Ma